Copper/Brass crimped wire mesh

Copper/Brass crimped wire mesh The copper/brass crimped wire mesh is woven from pre-crimped copper and brass wires. The crimping pattern generally come in four types: lock crimped, double crimped, Flat top crimped and Intermediate crimped. It is beautiful and elegant, can resist acid, alkali, abrasion, corrosion, salt air, saltwater, and has a stable structure. Copper…

Twill crimped wire mesh

Twill crimped wire mesh Description We provide twill crimped wire mesh of different materials, such as stainless steel, copper, brass, etc. Twill crimped wire mesh is an improved twill weave, which is a further exploration of the traditional weaving style. It is a pre-crimped weaving method. Same as the traditional twill weave, it has a…

Architectural Helix Crimped Wire Mesh

Architectural Spiral Crimped Wire Mesh Description Helix crimped wire mesh is a crimped style with a sense of design. Different from the square, rectangular or diamond-shaped openings presented by conventional wire mesh. Architectural helix crimped wire mesh is woven with helix metal wires, presenting a circular opening with a natural flow. The flowing lines produced…

Rigid cable crimped wire mesh

Rigid cable crimped wire mesh . Description Rigid cable crimped wire mesh is an improvement of triple shute crimping. Different from triple shute crimping, rigid cable crimped is a combination of a group of wires (usually 2, 3 or 4) aligned closely together, with no gaps in between. The material of rigid cable crimped wire…

Triple shute crimped wire mesh

Triple shute crimped wire mesh Description Triple shute is a special weaving method, also known as long slot crimped wire mesh. Its warp and weft are not evenly woven. The relatively long straight wire is woven together by a group of three wires through plain crimped, and the grid is rectangular. Triple shute crimped wire…

Intermediate Crimped Wire Mesh

Intermediate crimped wire mesh Intermediate crimped wire mesh Intermediate crimped wire mesh is also known as multiple crimp wire mesh. The warp and weft are pre-crimped before weaving. This pre-crimped weaving provides excellent rigidity and higher stability. Both warp and weft cross at every crimp of an odd number (three, five, seven, etc.), that is,…

Flat Top Crimped Wire Mesh Panels

Flat Top Crimped Wire Mesh Panels Description Flat top crimped wire mesh panel is similar to the lock crimped mesh, the difference is that it has a flat upper surface and all of its crimps are in the back of the screen. It’s extensively applied in the construction, mining and decoration industries. The flat top…

65Mn steel crimped wire mesh

65Mn steel crimped wire mesh 65MN crimped wire mesh is one of the most commonly used mining screens in mining, mineral processing, quarrying and agglomeration industries. Adding a certain amount of manganese to carbon steel can improve and increase the wear resistance of steel, making it more suitable for use in high-strength working environments such…